Review of The Sea Keeper's Daughters by Lisa Wingate

The Sea Keeper's Daughters (A Carolina Heirlooms Novel)I pulled this book from my to-be-read pile, it's beautiful cover invited me to begin reading the pages it held.

Lisa Wingate stitched together a beautiful novel which marries history with ribbons of romance and sprinkles in memorable characters which will make you giggle and shed a tear or two.

This is the first novel I have read by her and it works well as a stand-alone book. Since it is the third book in the series, I believe I need to do my "readerly" duty and get the other two books to read as well.

If you love romance and history, you will want to add this book to your reading list, it grabs you from the start and entertains you until the very last page. 

        I hope you have a great week, enjoy a good book and a nice cup of coffee or several. Chime in if you'd like about what book you're currently reading. I love finding out about great books to add to my to-be-read pile!                                                                     


  1. I like Lisa Wingate's stories so I'm glad you reviewed this one. Another favorite author of mine is T.I. Lowe. I've loved every single book she's written and I wait on pins and needles for a new one. She really needs to write faster. I just finished her current book, Until I Do, about a women whose wonderful husband was killed by a drunk driver. Her husband loved missions and was dedicated to helping people. His brother is the woman's pastor. A famous motor cycle designer has to serve a sentence for a DUI and he ends up under house arrest doing community service at and for her church. I won't tell you how it ends but I will say T.I. Lowe knows how to string words together to make a very enjoyable read.

    1. It sounds like an moving story line, I'll have to check out her books! Thanks for introducing me to them. I'm like you, when you've read all of one author's books, it's hard to wait for their next novel to arrive. I hope it comes soon, so you can start reading! Take care!


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