Guest Host-Poetess/Author Dominique M. Snedeker "Relax, He's Not Done Yet"


In Jeremiah 29:11, God promises that His plans for us are good. Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way as we slog through the mundane tasks of life or face painful circumstances. What I’ve recently learned through exploring my own life while writing Motherhood: The Crucible of Love is that He uses both the mundane and the crisis to shape us into new and different and beautiful things.

                Even though He began creation with mud and breathe in Genesis, He is still actively forming us: For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10 NLT). A masterpiece! Do you hear that? We look at ourselves and find fault at every turn: too fat, too lazy, too disorganized, not good enough, not fast enough, not nice enough. But He sees us as the finished product which He purchased by the blood of Jesus.

                He doesn’t leave us in our sin to die, and thus sent Jesus. But He also doesn’t leave us in our old habits and thought patterns, and thus sends the Holy Spirit. For His divine power has bestowed on us [absolutely] everything necessary for [a dynamic spiritual] life and godliness, through true and personal knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence” (2 Pet 1:3 AMPC). When a good future looks impossible, knowing that we have already been equipped is very empowering.

                But circumstances can be heavy, painful, depressing things that seem to stall our good future. I felt like I had ceased to do anything well or right as I struggled as a new mom with two babies two years apart. But writing helped me see how He who had begun a good work in me would be faithful to complete that work” (Philippians 1:6 paraphrased NIV). And what’s true for me, is true for you! So keep at it and find hope, because there is so, so, so much hope in the love of the Father.

Back cover of Motherhood: The Crucible of Love:

Tagline: Becoming a mother—the breaking.  Becoming the woman—a remaking.


Standing at the mirror

Hair askew and tank stretched and spotted

With who knows what

I see nothing but blurry lines

And eyes I do not know.

The shock startles me and I wonder:


Where is the mother in the woman?

Where is the woman in the mother?


The question surprises me and I

Bump my head as I stare

Into unknown eyes, exploring

A woman I’ve forgotten

Or traded

For those sleepers flopped

Like puppies in bed.


The woman before the breaking

Must have been me.

I can’t remember now

What solitude and papercuts

Feel like. But the paci on the sink

Warms my heart—

Little Eyes and fingers and toes

Flood my body with warmth

And a gummy smile with

One, two, what eight? little teeth

Makes my chest tight.


The mother is here.

And somewhere,

So is the woman.

 Book Buy links:

Motherhood: The Crucible of Love by Dominique M Snedeker, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

About the Author


Dominique Snedeker is a United States Air Force Academy graduate with a Bachelor’s of Science in English, Air Force veteran, military spouse, and mom to a house full of boys. She currently lives with her husband and three boys, twenty months, six, and eight years old in Minot, North Dakota.

Publishing is the culmination of a life-long dream and the prophetic inspiration of her grandmother when Dominique was five, fifteen and twenty-five: “Don’t worry. One day, Dominique, your book will come. You just haven’t found it yet.” Grandma, I found it.

Dominique has multiple projects in the work and will soon finish a book of poetry about mistakes, faith, and the peace-bringer. She is also working on a poetry book about living in North Dakota, and collaborating with artist Eileen Farao on a children’s picture book, Natasha and the Truck. Keep track of her and other up-coming projects at


Motherhood: The Crucible of Love by Dominique M. Snedeker (

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